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ExitTool and DoNothing

My way of Exiting tool in case or error, also another sub that basically does ...

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CellSave and CellRead

Reads a cell or Saves value into certain cell, in certain sheet and workbook. ...

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Windows 10 video files and OneDrive

Fixing generating videos thumbnail in Windows 10 Download app from

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Part of cells in Excel

How to modify part of text inside an Excel cell using VBA. Something in my ...

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Paste into textbox

Paste text from clipboard into textbox

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Bootstrap Editable Table

Editable table with Bootstrap 4, with multiple controls, having: Checkbox for ...

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Sort items in Fm20 Listbox using Excel spreadsheet Sort function. Can decide ...

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Windows 7 Photo Viewer

Reg file to show Windows Photo Viewer as option to open images with. ...

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Navbar with counts

Bootstrap 4 Navbar with icons and counts as badges originally from

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RBU - Simple Registry Backup batch

RBU simply means "Registry Back Up" and is a tiny BAT (batch) file that will ...

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Credit Card form

Javascript-based card form with pure CSS/JS and no images From

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Refresh HTML page + Go Back

HTML Javascripts to refresh page And another line to go back to previous page. ...

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RRRow - Datatables ASP mdb Ajax example

ASP based AJAX example to call mdb database using

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Windows-like drop down menu

Classic-Windows-like dropdown menu using CSS and JS, library in zip is build in ...

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Android Apps and SD memory

List of apps that can be moved to SD Card in Android OS (Tablet).

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Reads string between open and close HTML tag (between < ... > and < / ... >), ...