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Card image cap

Animated card in Bootstrap3, great smooth animation

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Circular Loader

Jquery driven loader, progressbar or graph, nice with some options to customize

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User profile card - BS4

Profile card, in Bootstrap 4, used in this website here, with several options ...

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Login modal

Simple modal with login form in Bootstrap 3

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ANma_HTML2DB + ANma_DB2HTML + ...

Convert HTML text into DB-safe string, by converting some characters as below. ...

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Service cards

Service cards in Bootstrap3, simple, and customizable. From Bootsnipp

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CSS Progressbar

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User profile card

Nice Google-like, user profile card

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Tabs12 in BS4

More Tabs in Bootstrap4, non-default that is smooth look, and elegant

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Tabs in BS4

Some smooth-look CSS3 Tabs in Bootstrap4, something other than default tabs :-)

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An API to allow connecting to MySQL database from VBA (or VB6), found it a ...

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A progressbar (or meter) in JQuery, customized with nice options

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User profile card

A nice user profile card in Bootstrap3

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Count how many files in a folder, with no loop, faster if you just need all ...

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Multiple sizes blog Card

Blog post card in multiple sizes and responsive using Bootstrap 3

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Custom Progressbar in Bootstrap3