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List of all variables of Environ It will populate them in sheet range starting ...

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Generates thumbnail of an image and saving it in certain folder. Edit php to ...

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Reads file and showing it as Bootstrap row, with ability to replace variables ...

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Counts how many duplicates found in a range of Excel cells. Basically how many ...

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Checks if ID has been reset in SQL database table If yes, it will reset it and ...

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Refreshing image

Refreshing image in ImageControl of VBE Userform When we change picture of ...

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Bootstrap 4 progress bars variables

Enhanced way to use progress bars in Bootstrap 4 Using below variable ...

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Shortcut website

Create a shortcut to website to open using Internet Explorer in 'InPrivate' ...

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Get the ID of the last inserted record in a table. There are other methods, ...

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img-2 lazy loading

A library to delay load images as needed From

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Dropdown text field

Drop down text field, need it in one of my projects. Even though I will need ...

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Detect if Browser supports Flash

Detect if Browser supports Flash or not ( using ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash) ...

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TeeOpen_ProtectTee + TeeOpen_UnprotectTee

Protect or unprotect a workbook (already open) remotely from another workbook ...

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KeyASCII list, I often need that in my projects. List of ASCII codes 1 to 256

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Star system

Star system with Font Awesome A Bootsnipp with ll needed css and js

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Porting Excel/VBA into OpenOffice Calc

PDF document on what needed to import VBA from Excel into OpenOffice Calc Basic