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Card image cap

Replaces the background fill of any shape in Excel with an image Not Ready yet, ...

Card image cap

Asks user to select an image and returns full path and name of selected image ...

Card image cap
ExitTool and DoNothing

My way of Exiting tool in case or error, also another sub that basically does ...

Card image cap
Capitalize in JS

Convert text to all capital letters

Card image cap
Decode and NVL

Two oracle SQL functions, that are interesting. Decode to work as (Select ...

Card image cap

Creates list of items to be used in ' Where item in (List)' list Mainly adds ...

Card image cap

Two functions to generate ID that is unique (not found in database) ...

Card image cap
Bootstrap Select

Multi-select drop-down in Bootstrap with customization From

Card image cap
Sidebar navbar

Bootstrap side navbar (sidebar) Can be pushed to left or right From

Card image cap
Topcoat breadcrumb

A 3d breadcrumb, menu-like componenet From

Card image cap
Collapse Menu

A Bootstrap 4 collapse menu, easy to adapt A pen from

Card image cap

Drop-down select in bootstrap From

Card image cap

Flexible select dropdown in jQuery From

Card image cap
Bootstrap Toggle

Neat bootstrap toggle box From

Card image cap

A simple Classic ASP checkbox implementation, helpful for beginners. ...

Card image cap
jQuery Minicolors

Color picker, in jQuery From