Search results 457
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Restore Arabic text files
Solution to restore ASCII Arabic text files. Sometimes I noticed when system ...
VBInstr (or Instr parameters)
The great function InStr I use a lot has a small confusing part. Which string ...
Open different Filestypes
Populate list of filetypes in Application.GetOpenFilename method. This command ...
Thumbnail generator
Generates thumb image file from a jpg, gif or png, saves it to server, or show ...
Dynamic ASP include
ASP function replaces the standard "include" statement, allowing a TRUE working ...
Shortcuts (rundll32.exe)
Shortcuts to do certain commands in Windows (tested in Windows 7) Shutdown, ...
Simple Captcha
Sometimes the simplest methods is the most powerful. That is what I said
Prevent Submit until reCaptcha
Disable Submit button until Google reCaptcha is verified, used reCaptcha v2.0 ...