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Build needed lines to create string variable having block of HTML. Provide the ...

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Checks if an item was found in list of items and return 1 if yes, 0 if not ...

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Reset numbers in ID column, with help from AI. The StoredProcedure will move ...

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Adds to daily log, two cells, one with date, next with activity that will be ...

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Adds date to column1 when user enters text in column2. Also, if user remove ...

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Perform math on numbers inside list of numbers in format of ANString. ...

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Timeline css

CSS Timeline, simple, easy, nice piece from bootsnipp From

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Sending email using Microsoft 365 account. Edit 2024-01-02: Adding ability to ...

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Latest records date and count

Find how many items in table, with column DateAdded is the latest DateAdded in ...

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Change Address style from R1C1 to A1 or from A1 to R1C1. Something I needed ...

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Number of Business days between two dates. Note that it doesn't take Christmas, ...

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Counts the number of business days Add or subtract a number of business days ...

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Copy values from range to cell. Without using clipboard of course. Here the ...

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Bootstrap 5 color toggle

Working toggle button to switch between light and dark color modes in Bootstrap ...

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Zoomed iframe

Show iframe zoomed or in scale Thanks to

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Browser window in a userform Just add Frm3 and call Frm3.Frm3_OpenWeb passing ...