Search results 43

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DialChart - Excel-VBA

A dial chart inside Excel using VBA code. With options to show 3 areas and two ...

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Temporary folder in Win10

Where is the Temp folder in Windows 10? Since Windows 7, it has been in the ...

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Count how many files in a folder, with no loop, faster if you just need all ...

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MSSQL backup

The practical way I found to backup database (or tables) to be moved into new ...

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Extracts a zip into a location and waits for that extraction to finish Using ...

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Finds specific VBA object in VBE project User need to setup to trust VBA ...

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Detects active desktop screen resolution and location of taskbar (with some ...

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Check if an Excel file is running from 'Temp' location or regular folder This ...

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ANStrRead + ANStrSave + ANStrSearch

Reads and saves data into 1 dim string array, ANStr ANStr is a string of list ...

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Logs out Linkedin by running two commands One will open new window to logout ...

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Copy File

Copys a file from one location to another using WSH