Converts R:G:B into RGB value (as long) and RGB from long into R:G:B
Reading QueryString from JS
Using same code in CutString3, this will search for matching items. Searches ...
Cuts a string from certain char till certain char, can be used to cut left, ...
Cuts string from a larger one based on a specific separator.
Cuts a string from a larger one using separators.Ex, CutString3("Will ...
Check a string to see if it is Hex
Convert a string to Hex
Extracts digits out of a string
Use a UDL to make your connection to a database
Removes HTML code Basically all tags expected and listed below There is a ...
Replaces all chars found in Chars_to_remove from String1 with Char_to_put One ...
Index.html template having headers with Bootstrap v4.1 and Font-Awesome (BS4.1 ...
Opens webpage from within Excel, using default browser
Downloads a certain page source into a variable, full content in HTML, using ...
50 chars max.