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Deletes a file, using mapped or unmapped file path

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Reads and saves text file giving its full name Used a lot in my tools, very ...

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Generate random string, fully customization, with even deciding what special ...

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Returns the day name in several formats It uses either full date or only ...

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Returns the month name in one of 5 formats (below) It can use full date or ...

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Limit Characters in a TextArea

This will limit the number of characters a user types in a textarea.

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Paging with Alternating Colors

This script will take the results of a query and sets up number of records per ...

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Run Application (ping.exe)

This script uses WSH to open an executable and save the results to a textfile.

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URL2Text + Text2URL

URL2Text to convert a URL into string Text2URL will converts a text with ...

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ArrayRead + ArraySave

Reading and saving 2 dim data into ANStrArray ANStrArray is a string ...

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Stream Audio and Video

This will stream audio and video on webpage.

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Read Write and Append Text

Uses FSO to read, write, or append text in a file

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Create and Write Log File

The subprocedure can be called by any ASP applicaiton/page which needs to ...

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DB_SettingRead + DB_SettingSave + ...

Reads/Saves specific settings from DB table Mainly for Classic ASP, but can be ...

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Checks if file is an image using its filename extension