Search results 91

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Rows 2 Cell

Convert items found in a column matching certain material into list in 1 cell ...

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A simple Classic ASP checkbox implementation, helpful for beginners. ...

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Windows Clock

Restore Windows 10 clock to Windows 7 Analog clocks

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Excel 2010 hyperlink issue fix

An issue I started to see when clicking on a hyperlink in Excel 2010, while I ...

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Send To folder

Where can I find the SendTo folder? I always wanted to modify that list and ...

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Windows God Mode

Control panel shortcuts part 1

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Temporary folder in Win10

Where is the Temp folder in Windows 10? Since Windows 7, it has been in the ...

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Counts how many words found inside a string. Using space, tab or enter as ...

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Convert http found inside text into anchers < a >, aka URLlinker, aka ...

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Card grid with BS4

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10 Loading Circles

CSS-only spinners, 10 of them

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MinIF and MaxIF in Excel 2010

MinIF to calculate smallest number matching certain criteria, in Excel 2010 ...

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Progressbar 10

CSS simple progressbar, customizable based on Bootstrap 3.3

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Windows XP as website

Having a website that looks like Windows XP is great out-of-the-box idea Here ...

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Arabic VS Hindi numbers

Settings to force Microsoft Word to show Hindi numbers with Arabic text, or ...

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On Off button

Toggle buttons Win10 style