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DB in a File (One of my best library codes so far) Saves/Reads/Deletes certain ...

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ANStrColor2RGB + RGB2ANStrColor

Converts R:G:B into RGB value (as long) and RGB from long into R:G:B

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CountColumnCells + CountColumnCells_Criteria

Counts how many cells in a column in any sheet, any workbook using COUNTIF ...

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GetPapa, GetPapa_URL, GetPapa_Sep, GetSon, GetSon_

Gets that parent folder name giving a full path, or gets the child folder, Can ...

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List of options (Frm87)

Show list of items with their description from "Settings" sheet Have that list ...

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VBA Progressbar (Frm73)

Progress bar Frm73 or just simple message Zip file contains .frm and .frx ...

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Reads and saves text file giving its full name Used a lot in my tools, very ...

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Returns the day name in several formats It uses either full date or only ...

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Returns the month name in one of 5 formats (below) It can use full date or ...

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ArrayRead + ArraySave

Reading and saving 2 dim data into ANStrArray ANStrArray is a string ...

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ANStrList functions

Set of functions to manage ANStrList strings, read, save, delete, sort, compare, ...

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DB_SettingRead + DB_SettingSave + ...

Reads/Saves specific settings from DB table Mainly for Classic ASP, but can be ...