Search results 61

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Finds specific VBA object in VBE project User need to setup to trust VBA ...

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Runs a WScript.Shell command with wait until finish and returns 0, 1, 2 or -1 ...

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Cookies warning

Thanks to new law in Europe, we need to show users and let them accept a ...

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Get value of Server variable by passing variable name aVar can be any of these ...

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Delete All Files in a Folder. Needs a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime

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Read directories in a specified folder into a combobox Needs FrmBr having Cbo1

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Read all Environment variables using EnvDir_All Or quickly get user folder, or ...

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Numbers in Textbox

Force textbox to accept numbers only. Needs adjustments to work on VB6

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MoveDown + MoveUp

Moves an item in listbox up or down Needs Lst1 as listbox name Put code ...

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Downloads a certain page source into a variable, full content in HTML, using ...

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Calendar, a pure-VBA userform (FrmCal)

VBA pure Calendar form, no outside lib needed Edit 2020-03-18: Enhance ...

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Bootstrap modal variable, my constant to use dynamically in code Edit: ...

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Server Variables

This will list all server variables in a page.