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Latest records date and count

Find how many items in table, with column DateAdded is the latest DateAdded in ...

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Returns column if an item from list of items was found in a row. Similar to ...

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Returns location of the tag that enclosing the location provided inside HTML ...

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Returns HTML tag of the container of certain location inside HTML block. ...

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Subdomain to a folder

Redirects a subdomain into a folder child of main domain, named same as ...

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USB Format in Car stereo

What format used to let Car stereo read USB thumb drive? To listen to MP3 ...

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USB format in Android

What is the best format to use a USB storage for using in Android phones and ...

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Converts a number of any base to decimal. Hexa to decimal, octa to decimal, ...

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Runs SQL Command that needs no return This is primarily useful for CREATE, ...

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Can't find Project or Library

Fix for Excel VBA error when library not found. Screenshots should show how to ...

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End ( xlDown )

A bug found because of using End(xlDown) Please stop using Range("A1"). ...

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Converts 1-dimension array into text. Meet Join. A way to convert array into ...

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Copy values from range to cell. Without using clipboard of course. Here the ...

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Enable Includes in ASP Classic

Enable relative paths for ASP Classic includes to work. New servers do not ...

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Web.config redirect

Redirect URLs to certain page passing its name. This is web.config from one of ...

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Modal form open Workbook

Do not open workbook from userform after .show