Search results 71
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ANBSCaptchaBox (Part 4)
Attempt to create Captcha inputbox as simple as possible using third party ...
bootstrap-datepicker This is a fork of Stefan Petre's [original code](
Excel 2010 hyperlink issue fix
An issue I started to see when clicking on a hyperlink in Excel 2010, while I ...
HeadingZeros Remove and Add
Adds or remove zeros at start of string Used to clear heading zeros from ...
Windows XP as website
Having a website that looks like Windows XP is great out-of-the-box idea Here ...
VBInstr (or Instr parameters)
The great function InStr I use a lot has a small confusing part. Which string ...
CutString_Words_Left + CutString_Words_Mid
Cuts the left or Middle part of string without breaking words Can specify ...