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WaitFor + ShellWait

Tell App to wait for number of seconds and Execute command and wait for it ...

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GetColumnName, ColumnName_XOffset

Gets the column name from a cell address. Returns "E" from "E45", or "BR" from ...

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Get Hard drive SN (old fashioned way) using FileSystemObject

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Converts a date (numeric date) into Date acceptable by SQL, as in YYYY-MM-DD ...

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Asks user for a folder tested in VBA of word as well as VBA in Excel

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OpenPassword + ClosePassword

Encrypt / Decrypt a string, convert it to "77 96 105 105 106" or back to ...

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Create list of selected items in MSForms listbox as string separated by | Or ...

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Delete all shapes in a sheet

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GetFilename, GetExtension, .. others

GetFilename, GetExtension, GetFilename_noExtension, GetFilename_wExtension To ...

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Display a string in a Userform as 'About' window, can display string or file by ...

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Using FileDateTime to get file date

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Container Switcher

Using Classic ASP and cookies, allow users to personally choose between normal ...

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Finds a name in a workbook, returns true or false

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Modify SQL table

SQL seams to have issues when we try to modify a table and preserving data, I ...

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Checks how many items in an ANStr ANStr is list of items separated by a ...

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Finds a sheet in a workbook, if no workbook name passed, it will use ...