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Loading3 gif

Showing animated gif when ancher is clicked, uses an overlay to prevent user ...

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IsValidUTF8 + DecodeUTF8 + EncodeUTF8

Checks UTF8, or convert to/from UTF8. Simple functions to convert the first 256 ...

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Thumbnail on fly

An aspx tool to generate thumbnail from an image, used to make page load faster ...

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Pagination call

How to read certain page from SQL table Originally from from http://social. ...

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Calculates the area of objects. Pass formula argument as string and values as ...

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CustomExcelMenu - FaceIDs

How to create custom Excel menu, this one shows the IDs and icons of 20 icons, ...

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Remove HTML tags from a string, note, this won't handle html encoding.

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Splits ANStrArray into 2-Dimension array Using custom row and column ...

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Win10 User Folders

I hate it when Microsoft takes back some controls it already gave to users, one ...

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A User-Friendly way to ask user to enable macros. Showing an only sheet to let ...

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Showing thumbnails inside sheet and enlarging each when click

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To raise a friendly error message with option to show custom error number and ...

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Does a weighted average, knowing that mathematical average between two numbers ...

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Loads an image into VBA image control without knowing its extension If file ...

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Reads screen resolution, using IE this time, this one will get the active ...

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Detects active desktop screen resolution and location of taskbar (with some ...