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Tabs7 (Tabs inside modal)

How to show tabs inside a modal div. From

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Blurred Background

Pure CSS trick to show a blurred background area behind a div Not my work, ...

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RC4 Encryption

A code inherited from an old application to protect or un-protect text in ...

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Excel macro to show all files found in directory (including sub-directories) as ...

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Fancybox v3 apply

The newest version, made with mobile swipe in mind, and has a lot of features, ...

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DialChart - Excel-VBA

A dial chart inside Excel using VBA code. With options to show 3 areas and two ...

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Unprotect sheet or workbook

Unprotect worksheet (and workbook) using VBA code

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Web browser in Excel VBA

Example on how to use Web browser control inside Excel userform

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Inputbox vs Application.Inputbox

fm20.dll has another inputbox to be used It is smaller, maybe more straight ...

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Frm9 - Select workbook (or workbook/worksheet)

Gives your user ability to select a workbook from list of open workbooks within ...

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Counts how many words found inside a string. Using space, tab or enter as ...

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Login modal

Simple modal with login form in Bootstrap 3

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Count how many files in a folder, with no loop, faster if you just need all ...

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User-defined type error

How to fix error (User-defined Type) error, especially when using outside ...

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Progressbar 10

CSS simple progressbar, customizable based on Bootstrap 3.3

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The lightbox for Bootstrap I used it for a while before jumping into Fancybox ...