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File Upload

Uploads a file to the server

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Form Maker

This is an application that creates a form in HTML depending on user specs

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Bootstrap modal variable, my constant to use dynamically in code Edit: ...

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LDAP / SiteServer Migration

This script will migrate LDAP and SiteServer user list to another LDAP ...

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Clears all cookies created by Linkedin login, and clear sessions

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Make HTML File

This script will make a HTML file

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No Cache

No cache on client browser

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DB_Read1Row (DB_Read1stRow)

Reads from a table in a DB Reads only the first row, and return a string ...

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Deletes a file, using mapped or unmapped file path

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Reads and saves text file giving its full name Used a lot in my tools, very ...

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Generate random string, fully customization, with even deciding what special ...

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Returns the day name in several formats It uses either full date or only ...

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Returns the month name in one of 5 formats (below) It can use full date or ...

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Str2DB + Str2App + Str2HTML

Set of functions to clean and revise cleaning of string before saving into ...

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Limit Characters in a TextArea

This will limit the number of characters a user types in a textarea.

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Paging with Alternating Colors

This script will take the results of a query and sets up number of records per ...