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Embed fonts in Word doc

Embed fonts used in document, to make it available on any machine

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Comment and de-comment lines quickly in VBE Create shortcuts inside VBE to ...

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Fancybox v2 apply

Applying Fancybox v2 from (

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Format a number with total number of digits I used it to format a date as ...

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Wordpress drop-down menu

Add dropdown with User login, logout into menu. This code used to replace "nav. ...

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Pure CSS Ribbon

Show a ribbon, in a simple CSS, Not my work, found it online, but it helped a ...

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VHD files 950MB + 1.8GB + 3GB

VHD files, 950MB, 1.8GB and 3GB, helpful when you want to quickly save files ...

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VHD file 7GB - Delete

VHD file, 7GB, helpful when you want to quickly save files into an 8 GB usb ...

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Reads the website visitor IP

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IsEven + IsOdd

Returns True if integer is even by using IsEven While IsOdd, will returns True ...

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Posts Per Year

Create summary list If you have SQL table named Table_Name, with DateAdded ...

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A plain pure VBA Treeview control to be used inside Excel (official link has ...

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Listbox height changing issue

Listbox in Excel sometimes have issue adjusting height to items added inside, ...

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Sets an attribute to file or folder Needs to have variables defined as you see ...

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ChartMaxY + ChartMinY

Calculates the maximum of the chart Y Axis to draw, the shifted one, not exact ...

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Reads attributes of a file using FSO. Return will be a string of RHSA ...