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CopyFiles Excel-Macro

Simple macro to make sure we have a copy of all files in a folder found in ...

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Finds the URL (href tag value) for an anchor inside a table row (tr element) ...

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SettingRead_Ajax + SettingRead_Ajax_IntoObject

Two functions to return an output of file into object on page or back to caller ...

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Preview link js script uses jquery and bootstrap From

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Web.config redirect

Redirect URLs to certain page passing its name. This is web.config from one of ...

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Zoomed iframe

Show iframe zoomed or in scale Thanks to

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Downloads image from src of < img html tag after searching for list of ...

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Browser window in a userform Just add Frm3 and call Frm3.Frm3_OpenWeb passing ...

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Reads certain part in HTML output of a page. Will search for list of strings ...

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MapPath version expecting comma in filename or folder. Just because we might ...

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Reads content of Page from URL to a sheet. This was made specially for certain ...

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Reads content of webpage with optional post data two main differences from

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Calculates Unix date/time number of a given date/time. Needed it to pass ...

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Finally, can have one command to open any file using its default associated app ...

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Reads HTML source page of a webpage, maynot work for heavy js pages, but works ...

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Open Window

Open another window with java script (_blank) Setting up width, height, ...