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COunts unique cells found in a column. Passing sheetname, workbook name and ...

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Checks if passed addresses are referring to same cell regardless of ...

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Get boot time

Get the last time Windows 10 was started. Needed this quickly for research.

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Chooses from 20 options based on the passed ID, can have any of these passed. ...

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Returns information about first file name found after sorting matching files in ...

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Checks if application is already running, returns 1 or 0 My first function

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Reads and concatenate the full HTML or non-HTML of column (ColumnID) from HTML ...

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Returns path for a specific special folder in system Passing the name of that ...

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Calculates no of workdays between two dates. Option to use international ...

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Counts how many cells with data in a row, starting from certain column until ...

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Counts how many cells matching 2 criterias. Just like

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SettingSave + SettingRead for NumberFormat

Reads or applies certain NumberFormat to cell in settings. Same patterns as ...

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Reads or set Numberformatting for a cell or range. Can pass sheet and workbook ...

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Sort range of cells by up to 4 columns. Can use any of these columns, not ...

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Just learnt that now

Looks like we cannot have filename (having no extension) and folder in same ...

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Finds the URL (href tag value) for an anchor inside a table row (tr element) ...