Search results 71
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Showing 4k (and more) images in BS5 modal
Allow users to browse and scroll through tons of images to select one (tried on ...
Adds values of 2 cells into 2 columns (usually below them). I used these small ...
Triangular coded msg in file
Decodes message from file based on number in each line of text. Attached ...
SQL Cross Apply String_Split with XML Path
SQL select statement to convert list of IDs found in column (from more than row ...
SettingRead_Ajax + SettingRead_Ajax_IntoObject
Two functions to return an output of file into object on page or back to caller ...
Remove Managed by Your Organization from Edge
AI helped me here to remove the message on my browser of (Managed by your ...
Reset numbers in ID column, with help from AI. The StoredProcedure will move ...
Detailed errors - Web.config
Show detailed error using Web.config Was always struggling with the exact ...