Search results 14

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Returns the text of quarter (3Q2024 or 1Q2017) with offset of the passed ...

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Filter database into new sheet, by copying certain columns only, not whole ...

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Adds an amount (or subtract) from a range of cells in one click Similar to

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Selects a shape inside sheet to change it, or if not found, it will create it ...

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Calculates the differences of date (against NOW) and return in English ...

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Fill down

Fill down series in Excel. NotReadyYet! This is a work-in-progress function! ...

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Save Excel range (or shape) to picture

This is an interesting approach to export a range of cells into picture using ...

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2 modules to read output of json API (or file) into parsed array of objects. ...

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Creates list of items found in rows, where these rows match a value in another ...

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Barcode Generator

Pure ASP Classic barcode generator This is one of my past findings, I will be ...

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FilterSheet_1By1 + FilterSheet_Clear

Sets Autofilter in a sheet, and another function to clear Autofilter ...

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Control the Panel

A set of commands (or shortcuts) allowing users to access Control panel items ...

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Detect when user changes a textbox using JQuery Needed to have this documented ...

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Uploading files into server, the simplest way I have here This is the famous ...