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Center Userform

Looks like forcing a Userform to be in center of an application is not as easy ...

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Creates square thumb for an image, regardless of image aspect ratio It will ...

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Reads image dimensions, width, height, depth and image type. Details returned ...

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Bootstrap 5 cards with responsive images

Bootstrap 5 cards with responsive images From

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Copy values from range to cell. Without using clipboard of course. Here the ...

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Zoomed iframe

Show iframe zoomed or in scale Thanks to

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Browser window in a userform Just add Frm3 and call Frm3.Frm3_OpenWeb passing ...

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Autofit height iframe

iframe with animated gif to show while loading content, when iframe is fully ...

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Dynamic iframe height

Adjust iframe height to its content after loading page Needed this trick in ...

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Img not found - Temp pic

Showing image not found if img src image is missing

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Open Window

Open another window with java script (_blank) Setting up width, height, ...

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Window and screen sizes in jQuery

Get the size of the screen, current web page and browser window using jQuery ...

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Generates thumbnail of an image and saving it in certain folder. Edit php to ...

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Resize_Me2 + Resize_Me3

Resizes Excel window to certain small size and location (hard-coded) and hide ...

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Imports rows from multiple sheets of a workbook into final sheet along with ...

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Animated form exit

Exit form with shrinking Shrinks the form, Pushes the form to the bottom of ...