Search results 38

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ListBox bug with TabIndex

Setting TabIndex for a listbox to 0 in a Userform will have some issues when ...

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Finds 3 numbers in a string by ignoring characters between them. ' example ...

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Sort list of texts having cell address by cell address as alphanumeric in Asc ...

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Finds the padding or margin from a style statement for an HTML tag. Passing ...

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FontAwesome Custom icons issue

I faced an issue the past few weeks when trying to add my own icon to ...

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Checks if an item was found in list of items and return 1 if yes, 0 if not ...

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Webfont generater

Online tool. Generate web font to be used in websites. When trying to fix ...

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Sending email using Microsoft 365 account. Edit 2024-01-02: Adding ability to ...

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Can't find Project or Library

Fix for Excel VBA error when library not found. Screenshots should show how to ...

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Copy values from range to cell. Without using clipboard of course. Here the ...

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Modal form open Workbook

Do not open workbook from userform after .show

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Fix Excel Issue

Fixing Excel broken spreadsheet issue. When working with some large ...