Search results 42

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Card image cap

Listing the file from a folder that was created during last few hours. Can ...

Card image cap
Win10 ThisPC Virtual locations

I hate it when Windows forcing us to have additional items in "This PC" So, I ...

Card image cap
SettingRead_Ajax + SettingRead_Ajax_IntoObject

Two functions to return an output of file into object on page or back to caller ...

Card image cap
Protect txt file into word doc with password

Saves txt file as word doc with password. Passing txtfile having full path and ...

Card image cap

Runs SQL Command that needs no return This is primarily useful for CREATE, ...

Card image cap
FilesIn_Array and FoldersIn_Array

Return list of files in a folder back as array. Similar to

Card image cap

Browser window in a userform Just add Frm3 and call Frm3.Frm3_OpenWeb passing ...

Card image cap

Forces Excel to not convert numbers during moving them across sheets, or ...

Card image cap

MapPath version expecting comma in filename or folder. Just because we might ...

Card image cap

Send email using Outlook object with attachments With AI-generated post image. ...

Card image cap

Returns drive type as text, like fixed, CD, etc. Can pass either drive letter, ...

Card image cap

Selects a shape inside sheet to change it, or if not found, it will create it ...

Card image cap

Reads page headers into dictionary object. an example of using Dictionary in ...

Card image cap

Detect Browser setting (type or other info) using MSWC.browsertype object. Old ...

Card image cap
ShapeName clicked

Simple command to know which object (shape) the user clicked When you assign a ...

Card image cap

Merges two 1-dimension arrays and return an array Both should be 1 dimensional ...