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Read list of items from Settings sheet, then Sort, then save, before reading ...

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Nautical/Flight Functions

Functions perform various calculations useful for planning trips. MPH2Kt: ...

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Barcode Generator

Pure ASP Classic barcode generator This is one of my past findings, I will be ...

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FilterSheet_1By1 + FilterSheet_Clear

Sets Autofilter in a sheet, and another function to clear Autofilter ...

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Great horizontal timeline jquery From

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VBA vs ASP Classic

Differences between coding in VB in Classic ASP (aka VBScript) and VBA (aka ...

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RC4 Encryption

A code inherited from an old application to protect or un-protect text in ...

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Uploading files into server, the simplest way I have here This is the famous ...

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Uploading files into server, the simplest way I have here This is the famous ...