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Card image cap

Returns the folder for a specific special folder in system Passing the name of ...

Card image cap
ProgressPie SVG

jQuery library to create ProgressPie SVGs. Simple, perfect, works

Card image cap
Lazy image loading + placeholder

Setup lazy image loading plus setting placeholder to images. Using

Card image cap
Int function in ASP Classic (cint vs fix)

If you are looking for a function ASP Classic (VBScript) to do what Int() does ...

Card image cap

Preview link js script uses jquery and bootstrap From

Card image cap
3D Progressbar

CSS-JS animated Progress bar. Was looking for pregressbar in svg, couldn't ...

Card image cap
blueimp Gallery

Touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image and video gallery, carousel ...

Card image cap
Send page to print

JavaSctipt commnad to show Print dialog when a page is visited. I usually put ...

Card image cap
Bootstrap 5 color toggle

Working toggle button to switch between light and dark color modes in Bootstrap ...

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Autofit height iframe

iframe with animated gif to show while loading content, when iframe is fully ...

Card image cap
Win95 CSS

Win95 theme CSS with Bootstrap 4 From

Card image cap
Feature-rich Lightbox Gallery BS5

A JavaScript lightbox gallery plugin for showcasing images, videos, Instagram ...