Database 61

To deal with database and maintain it
Sorted from new to old.
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Returns sum of certain column in range (or table) in sheet after applying ...

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RRRow - Datatables ASP mdb Ajax example

ASP based AJAX example to call mdb database using

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Checks if ID has been reset in SQL database table If yes, it will reset it and ...

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Connects to SQL DB using ADODB, if driver not installed, it will attempt to ...

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VBA-Excel function to connect to SQL Database server, in addition to ...

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Reset ID Column

How to reset ID Column in Microsoft SQL, (not completed yet). This is because ...

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Creates list of items to be used in ' Where item in (List)' list Mainly adds ...

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List of Databases

Script to list databases available in a server using ADODB connection From

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Country list in arabic

List of countries codes and names in Arabic, you do not know when you need it ...

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Rows 2 Cell

Convert items found in a column matching certain material into list in 1 cell ...

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Returns extended properties of a database, knowing the ADODB connection

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Get the ID of the last inserted record in a table. There are other methods, ...

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ANmaDB functions

Database functions, commonly used in my systems. Should be working for each ...

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An API to allow connecting to MySQL database from VBA (or VB6), found it a ...

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DB Class

Database Class in Classic ASP An old article I found that helps a lot these ...

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Split string into table

Returns tag words (as table) in Microsoft SQL Separator set to comma, but you ...