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Admin Counter boxes

4 sets of Admin/Dashboard count boxes, or cards Needed a set for DBRox, and ...

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Modal Boxes B4BS

These are JQuery modal boxes, we used before we got bootstrap B4BS means ...

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CSS Sub-menu (include example for Bootstrap) It also has custom html dropdown ...

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15 Datestamps

15 pure CSS date stamps to be used or Calendar view of a date, something I ...

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A js/css hourglass loading spinner

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Fancybox v2 apply

Applying Fancybox v2 from (

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Posts per year-month

Create summary list If you have SQL table named Messages, with DateStamp ...

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Sending an email using CDO object Can pass all needed variables including mail ...

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HTML and URL codes

Always find my self needing to know those quickly to continue working, so ...

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Creates HTML timeline dynamically, using Bootstrap 4.0 and FontAwesome 5, in a ...

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Listbox height changing issue

Listbox in Excel sometimes have issue adjusting height to items added inside, ...

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Scroll a listbox Using Right-Drag. (Something VBA in Excel lacks) You might ...

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Disables or Enables certain Excel built-in shortcut. Code has example on how ...

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Thumbnail on fly

An aspx tool to generate thumbnail from an image, used to make page load faster ...

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Adds Validation drop-down to a cell (Data --> Validation --> List), or to a ...

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Does a weighted average, knowing that mathematical average between two numbers ...