Search results 397

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Card image cap

Chooses from 20 options based on the passed ID, can have any of these passed. ...

Card image cap

Choosing a return value based on an ID. Since we have Choose2, Choose3 and ...

Card image cap

Checks if character is number or no. Returns True or False Number includes the ...

Card image cap

Returns a value based on an ID. If ID is 1, return 1st value, If ID is 2, ...

Card image cap

Extracts the innerText of < dd > < / dd> for a specific < dt> < /dt> from HTML ...

Card image cap
MouseDown and MouseUp in FM20 controls

Full story of MouseDown and MouseUp in FM20 controls

Card image cap

Checks if application is already running, returns 1 or 0 My first function

Card image cap

Finds the first image in a folder matching wild cards mask using WScript.Shell ...

Card image cap
ANmaSearch_SpaceFriends and LeftSpaceFriends

Searches for string inside string covering multiple possibilities for space ...

Card image cap

Search for one of items in SearchFor_ListOfFriends inside SearchIn and return ...

Card image cap
Daily folder

Create daily folder in specific location automatically. I used to have .bat ...

Card image cap
Unblock blocked macros.

Unblock macros in file copied or downloaded from another machine. Excel keeps ...

Card image cap

Returns the date of 1st day or last day in a Quarter Mar 31st, Jun 30th, Sep ...

Card image cap

Returns path for a specific special folder in system Passing the name of that ...

Card image cap

Calculates no of workdays between two dates. Option to use international ...

Card image cap

Concatenate string into one, if not blank and not N/A It looked stupid for me ...