Search results 361

Card image cap

Returns the folder for a specific special folder in system Passing the name of ...

Card image cap
Center Userform

Looks like forcing a Userform to be in center of an application is not as easy ...

Card image cap

Searches for string inside string with double-quote possibility If single ...

Card image cap

Replaces certain occurrence of a string with another inside a string. Like ...

Card image cap

Searches for string inside string with apostrophe possibility (or as I call ...

Card image cap

Searches for string inside string with multiple possibilities if the char & ...

Card image cap

Returns the string that is longer, comparing what is before StrSepa versus ...

Card image cap

Adds values of 2 cells into 2 columns (usually below them). I used these small ...

Card image cap
Microsoft Edge gestures

Microsoft Edge Right-mouse gestures I found that will really save me time ...

Card image cap

Searches for five cells in five columns and return the row number if all found ...

Card image cap

Finds the location of a sting inside list of strings with certain separator, or ...

Card image cap

Sort range of cells by up to 4 columns. Can use any of these columns, not ...